where science meets fact meets fiction

Month: February 2015

  • Episode 039: Mars & Ceres / Single Biome Planets

    Episode 039: Mars & Ceres / Single Biome Planets

    Recorded February 18th, 2015 This episode contains: One way trip to Mars, Dutch non-profit space mission, mystery plume on Mars, baffled scientists, Asteroid belt, Kyper belt Oort cloud, Devon makes first mistake of his life, Ceres white spot, Dark spots in the moon, Dawn mission, Europa, Life in our solar system, Origin of the Solar…

  • Episode 038: Apes / Books

    Episode 038: Apes / Books

    Recorded February 11th, 2015 This episode contains: Girl Scout cookies, the lottery and offices, loot drops, glass half full and marketing spin, 10% fat and 90% lean, fruits and nuts, designing studies, changing grunts for apples, grunts and vocal structures, drunk gorilla punching photographer, fermented bamboo stems, rugby playing apes, gut fermentation syndrome, tree beer,…

  • Episode 037: Plot Holes and Trivia

    Episode 037: Plot Holes and Trivia

    This episode contains: sick Steven and healthy family, movie plot holes, Star Trek (2009), Nero and his crew, deleted jail scene, Back to the Future, recognizing Marty, bad memory, old and young Doc Brown, future heist, Wraith of Chekov and Khan, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Jehovah begins with an I, ancient traps, Jurassic…

  • Episode 036: Vaccinations

    Episode 036: Vaccinations

    Recorded January 28th, 2015 This episode contains: “John Edwards,” critical thinking, health secrets, counter-culture and anti-vaxxers, Shock-top and PBR, extra chromosomes, types of vaccinations, inactivated, attenuated, toxoid, subunit, conjugate, experimental, recombinant vector, DNA, t-cell receptor, valence, heterotypic, Andrew Wakefield, fraudulent research paper, MMR vaccines, autism and bowel disease, substitute vaccines, cake metaphor, detecting autism before…