where science meets fact meets fiction

Month: April 2016

  • Episode 99.5: Two Great Tastes

    Episode 99.5: Two Great Tastes

    This episode contains: Another clip show! We explain why in the episode. Enjoy tese two awesome interviews: Interview and Sci-fi: Interview with Miles Greb – author of After the Gold Rush,  (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/919052445/after-the-gold-rush-a-science-comic) (https://www.patreon.com/user?u=756517&ty=h) Marvel, independent comic books, Kick Starter, skepticism and atheism, science as wonder, accurate idioms, 25 issue run, hard sci-fi, day job, Dune, commentary for…

  • Episode 099: Steven’s Best Favorite SciFact Clips Thing!

    Episode 099: Steven’s Best Favorite SciFact Clips Thing!

    Clip Show! This episode contains: Pocket Mortys, Poke Mon, Rock-Paper-Scissors, rookie mistakes, freemium games, rewards for watching commercials, Black Mirror, Clash of Clans, pay-to-win Brain Matters: wired for gaming, the brains of gamers, internet gaming disorder, the gaming chair, DSM-5, predisposition?, specific links in the brain, impulse control, addiction, phantom vibration syndrome  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/12/151221194124.htm Biological Imperative:…

  • Episode 098: Robotic Arousal

    Episode 098: Robotic Arousal

    This episode contains: Waiting frantically, bachelor party, hand foot and mouth disease Robot Overlords: Touching robots elicits psychological arousal in humans, robot asked participants to touch different parts of body, measured humans response, more emotion for certain body parts, “arousal,” what about different types of robots, Animatrix, serial killer sweater, deaths in Vegas, moving dead…

  • Episode 097: Quantum Sympathy

    Episode 097: Quantum Sympathy

    This episode contains: Thin ice, San Jose Sharks, arctic sharks, dinosaurs, ST: VOY, ancient ruins, hockey Evolutionarily Speaking: new spider fossil, ancestor to spiders, 305,000,000 year-old rock, silk production, Charlotte’s Web, predators, megafauna, origins of spiders, is a scorpion an arachnid?, all life on Earth is connected http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/close-spider-relative-found-305-million-year-old-rocks Tree of life: http://www.united-academics.org/earth-environment/feeling-small-the-tree-of-life/ Brain Matters: mind…