where science meets fact meets fiction

Month: March 2017

  • Episode 145: March for Science

    Episode 145: March for Science

    Science: We have guest host Miles Greb back on the show! He’s here to tell us about The March for Science, which is set to take place all over the country on April 22nd. It’s a nonpartisan march to show the administration that science needs to be supported and defended. We talk about specific issues…

  • Episode 144: Prosthetic Distractions

    Episode 144: Prosthetic Distractions

    This episode contains: Before the science Devon laments just how outrageously expensive it is to buy a house in San Jose. Steven, meanwhile, spent the last week in the mountains under an insane amount of snow. He tells us about spending time with his wife’s family in “juvenile hall.” Biological Imperative: Spiders eat an astronomical…

  • Episode 143: Old Man Logan

    Episode 143: Old Man Logan

    This episode contains: We start off talking about taxes… stay with us, it gets better. We also find out just how lazy Devon really is. Steven then tells us about his upcoming trip to the middle of nowhere. This happens to be the same middle of nowhere where Devon was offered a job after law…

  • Episode 142: Consciousness, Psychopaths, and Quantum Mechanics

    Episode 142: Consciousness, Psychopaths, and Quantum Mechanics

    This episode contains: Devon played some more Armada and lost, again. But he had fun, and isn’t that all that matters? Robot Overlords:  Google tests AI’s “killer instinct.” Deep Mind, the same network that beat the Go champion, was tested to see if it would compete or cooperate. Eventually they might teach Deep Mind to…

  • Episode 141: Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum

    Episode 141: Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum

    This episode contains: Devon drove down to Steven’s house to play Star Wars: Armada over the weekend. It then took him 6 hours to complete a 2.5 hour drive to come home due to the weather in California. We discuss the current flooding in CA then Devon tells the tale of his post-apocalyptic journey home.…