Month: September 2014
Episode 019: Nano Car / Bad TV Science
Recorded September 17th, 2014 This episode contains: Special Guest Steve Maguire, chemist and nearly a doctor, molecular stuff, understanding chemistry for physicists, SNOLAB, nickel mine, neutrino explanation, scintillator medium and tellurium, neutrino reactions and detection, attempting to observe double beta decay, Nanocar, Bucky ball wheels, allotrope of carbon, chromophore crank, possible uses, Ant-man powers, additional…
Episode 018: Icy Rocks / Mysteries
Recorded September 10th, 2014 This episode contains: The Postman movie recap, Death Valley moving rocks, frozen ground, pushing wind, Europa and frozen tectonic plates, water vapor geysers, the Himalayan mountains, more findings at Stonehenge, Super Henge, sucking out the mystical, pyramids, building in phases, mysteries of science, before the Big Bang, how we experience time,…
Episode 017: Space Rescue / Trek Fanboys
Recorded on September 3rd, 2014 This episode contains: Super special guest Benjamin Lawless, aerospace engineering, contingency plan for the Space Shuttle Columbia, Space Shuttle Atlantis launch prep, recapping Columbia disaster, the CO2 problem, the people problem, Enterprise and Gravity, the inclination problem, docking, crowd funding a space program, Star Trek talk, fantasy and fiction…
Episode 016: Brain Wrinkles / Alien Abductions
Recorded August 27th, 2014 This episode contains: Self driving car update, California DMV rules, lawyers being lawyers, culture changing more quickly, grey matter and white matter in the brain, physical processes, right and left brain, remembering alien abductions with hypnosis, “Alien Abduction” on Netflix and a semi-review, Fire in the Sky, old special effects, Unsolved…