Month: August 2019
Episode 262: The Real Heroes
This episode contains: We start off talking about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, as well as Tarantino movies in general. Kill it with Fire!: Hurricanes drive the evolution of more aggressive spiders. “Researchers who rush in after storms to study the behavior of spiders have found that extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones may…
Episode 261: Hello There
This episode contains: Devon has had a bad week at work and feels like his fight or flight reflex has been left on. Steven is doing fine. His daughter just started “TK.” Is This Racist?: ‘You all look alike to me’ is hard-wired in us, research finds. We are hard-wired to process — or not process…
Episode 260: Suspension of Rationality
This episode contains: We discuss Devon’s backyard movie night where they watched Wayne’s World. Not everyone was thrilled about it. Tiny Robot Overlords: You can’t squash this roach-inspired robot. “A new insect-sized robot can scurry across the floor at nearly the speed of a darting cockroach — and it’s nearly as hardy as a cockroach,…
Episode 259: No Hope For Humanity
This episode contains: We discuss some Star Wars Armada news and some board game’s Devon has been playing. Steven then talks about X-Wing. We’re All Doomed!/This Week in Space: A few weeks ago an Earth-skimming asteroid was unusually large and exceptionally close. An asteroid: 2019Ok came with .19 lunar orbits from Earth. It was not…
Episode 258: The SDCC Episode
This episode contains: Devon is going camping and Steven is sleep training his youngest kid. Also Steven is going to play a lot of D&D soon. We’re All Doomed: The San Andreas Fault Is About To Crack – Here’s What Will Happen When It Does. The director of the Southern California Earthquake Center, Thomas Jordan,…