where science meets fact meets fiction

Episode 542: The Good, the Bad, and the Quadruply Identical Armadillo

Real Life
Devon is gearing up for a trip to Barcelona in April, planning a Friday-to-Wednesday itinerary. The big question: is it worth it? We’ll see how he weighs the travel time, costs, and must-see sights against the trip’s duration.

Meanwhile, Steven has been deep in Sonic nostalgia. He picked up a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog from the original Sega on the Switch, only to find his oldest daughter struggling with its difficulty. Ben suggests they try Sonic Adventure from the Sega Dreamcast era, but Steven is skeptical. On top of that, they’ve watched the first two Sonic movies—but Steven refuses to pay to see Sonic 3. Also, a side note from parenting life: manage expectations when handing kids new electronics. In other news, Steven has started learning Latin on Duolingo and already has thoughts—mostly about the overwhelming number of ads.

Ben has been learning some unexpected rat facts since his son got new pet rats. Steven, from prior experience, warns that they don’t have the longest lifespans. Speaking of things taking a dark turn, Ben draws a comparison to the game Heavy Rain, where a child finds a dead bird—definitely a tonal shift from Super Mario Brothers.

Future or Now
Ben revisited Star Trek: Section 31 and had a moment of deep reflection—too deep, according to Steven. Is Section 31 aimed at 11-year-olds? Are the plot holes too much? Devon steps in to explain Section 31 to Steven, who—by his own admission—is a Star Trek dummy. Meanwhile, Ben is also reading Star Trek: Discovery: Die Standing for even more Trek content. If you’re curious, check it out on Goodreads.

Devon drops an incredible animal fact: the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) is the only vertebrate that always gives birth to identical quadruplets. Every single time. Scientists still aren’t sure why this happens, but it’s a fascinating mystery of biology. Read more on IFL Science and Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Steven, meanwhile, has been thinking about water scarcity and the challenges we might face in the near future. He calls it “Not a Drop to Drink” and shares an article which you can read here.

Book Club
Next Week: We’re diving into Burning Chrome by William Gibson. If you’ve ever wanted to jack into the Toronto construct matrix, this is the time. Gibson, often credited with popularizing the term “cyberspace,” helped define cyberpunk as a genre. Burning Chrome prefigures his famous novel Neuromancer and introduces one of the first literary computer hackers. Unfortunately, the story isn’t available online, but you can find it in the Burning Chrome short story collection.

This Week: We discussed “Fondly Fahrenheit” by Alfred Bester. Bester, best known for The Demolished Man, was a unique figure in Golden Age sci-fi—not just a visionary storyteller, but also an incredible writer. “Fondly Fahrenheit” is a dark, gripping short story about a servile android-robot that turns murderous. What makes it unforgettable is the way Bester plays with language, shifting perspective and structure in ways that make the writing an essential part of the story itself. If you haven’t read it, you can find it on Goodreads or read it online here. Be warned: it’s a dark one, featuring a serial killer narrative that may not be suitable for younger readers.

That’s it for this week—see you next time for more real-life updates, sci-fi debates, and deep dives into classic literature!






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