where science meets fact meets fiction

Episode 314: Fantabulous

(This episode is late because Steven’s computer broke. Sorry.)

This episode contains: We start off this episode talking more about the wildfires in California. Ben has designed and published a book, check it out:


We then read a few emails and get an update on the hornet and wasp situation in the UK.

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na…:  Mother bats use baby talk to communicate with their pups. We talk about the usefulness of this adaptation and hypothesize on whether other species have a similar adaptation.


This Week in Space: Ancient star explosions revealed in deep-sea sediments. We talk about how iron-60 is revealing our place in space and what it even means to be in an interstellar cloud.


Science Fiction: There’s a bit of news about The Mandalorian and we discuss with some minor spoilers. We talk about DC Fandome and the new trailer for The Batman. We then dive deep into Harley Quinn tv show and the Birds Of Prey movie. We finish off with some minor Lower Decks discussion and Ben tells us about dangerous Driving.






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